Along time
ago, there are two fisherman. They tied their boat up. Hurried out of the boat
and ran down the streets of their hometown. “We saw a dragon on Komodo Island,”
they shouted.
man heard their shouts, his name is Hendricks. He believed that. He had to go
to Komodo Island and brought back one of the dragons for people to see.
Then, Hendricks found it. There
were large lizards, some of them three meters long .Their legs were short and
thick and on their feet were sharp claws like knives. The lizard had yellow
tongues. That moved quickly in and out of their mouths.
It was difficult and
dangerous to catch the lizards. The lizard attacked Hendricks. In addition, Hendricks
died. Hendricks friends kill the lizards to save him, but he late. Finally, Hendricks
friends caught two live lizards and put them their ship. Then they sailed back
to Their Town without Hendricks.
After a professional
checked it, it was not Dragon. However, that is Komodo Lizard.
Dahulu kala. Ada dua pemancing, dua pemancing itu menghentikan perahu
mereka. Cepat-cepat
keluar dan lari menuju jalan di kota mereka. “Kami menemukan Naga di pulau
Komodo” Teriak
Seorang laki-laki mendengar teriakan
mereka. Namanya Hendrick. Dia mempercayainya.
Dia bertekad
ke pulau Komodo dan membawa pulang seekor naga umtuk dilihat orang
Lalu, Hendrick menemukannya. Ada
Kadal yang besar beberapa diantaranya panjangnya mencapai 3 meter, kakinya sangat
pendek dan tebal dan di atas telapaknya ada taji yang tajam seperti pisau.
Kadal itu mempunyai lidah berwarna kuning, bergerak sangat cepat keluar masuk di mulut mereka.
Pekerjaan yang sangat berbahaya dan
sulit untuk menangkap Kadal. Kadal itu menyerang Hendrick, Hendrick pun mati.
Dan teman hendrick membunuh Kadal untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya, tapi dia
sudah terlambat.
Akhirnya, Teman Hendrick
berhasil mengambil dua Kadal hidup dan meletakkannya di atas kapal mereka. Lalu
mereka berlayar menuju kota mereka Tanpa
Setelah diteliti ole seorang yang
professional, itu bukanlah Naga. Tetapi Kadal Komodo.